What is the goal of this assignment?
This assignment will allow you to create an online presence that showcases your artwork on the internet. You will create a portfolio website bringing together the best of your artistic work, awards, shows, and more. Ultimately, you will be able to use this for sharing with friends, family, scholarship opportunities, future employers, and colleges.
DEADLINES: Email BOTH zimmermans@rbhs208.net and jensenb@rbhs208.net A LINK to your page TODAY for 30pts. Your finished website is DUE FRIDAY MAY 16th for 200pts.
1) Check-out other examples of online portfolios. Take note of what they did well, areas for improvement, and ideas you could replicate in your website. EXAMPLE SITES: rbblairjensen.weebly.com/ap-studio-art.html www.suzannezimmerman.com nickgehl.weebly.com/
2) Compile your artwork from this year and beyond and include the following content.
Introduction - Future plans, extracurriculars, talents & hobbies, etc
50 pts
Artwork (Title, materials, dimensions)
50 pts
50 pts
Design + Function
50 pts
3) Go to a site that will allow you to create your own free website in a few simple steps. Unless you know of another site, try out www.weebly.com, www.wix.com, www.wordpress.com
4) Start your website!
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